with Natalya Khorover

Repurposer Collective



Calling all creatives who are triggered by plastic trash flapping in the trees!

Can you think of a million better uses of the wasteful packaging of something that just arrived in the mail?

Are you the one who always seems to notice the potential of a random piece of trash?

Would you like to have an art practice which also does something good for the planet?

Do you want to discover which techniques can help you make repurposed art?

If you’ve answered YES!, welcome friend, you’ve found your crew of crazy and passionate creatives right here! 


This community is for creative souls, artists and artivists (that’s what we call ourselves - artists+activists=artivists) who are concerned about the environment and are passionate about exploring repurposed materials in art.

The doors are currently closed.

Current members please sign in to view your content on the upper RIGHT.


This community may just be exactly what you’ve been looking for…

…because you are what we call the Repurposer!

Who is a repurposer?

Simply an artist who repurposes materials to create art.

  • You could be a stitcher. 

  • You might be a quilter.

  • You may be a painter. 

  • You are probably a collage artist.

  • You could very well be an installation artist.

  • And you may even be a costume designer… 

  • You are likely a combination of a few artistic directives.

  • You are definitely multi-passionate!

In essence - any artist working with found objects, thrift materials, plastic trash, fashion waste…


What is it like to be a Repurposer?

  • You think out of the box! Actually you may not even know what a box is!

  • You have the confidence to dive into the unknown.

  • You love to say - what if and why not!

  • You are very curious!

  • You love to figure out new ways of changing up old things.

  • You get a rush of excitement when you see how you can reuse something you already have or even what you found on a street corner!

  • Your heart skips a beat when you spot just the right color piece of broken glass for your collage….


Why would you join a community of like minded creatives?

  • You want to discover more of what is possible in a supportive, positive setting.

  • You want the collective creativity to empower you and build on your lived experience.

  • You want to explore the possibilities and have deep conversations among other like-minded creatives.

  • You want to see firsthand what and how other repurposed media artists are creating.


Hi! I’m Natalya

I am an artist who has been using repurposed materials for nearly twenty years. I have figured out how to best utilize such things by trial and error and by practicing every day.

Now I help other artists who struggle with knowing where to start using these materials to achieve their creative vision.


This is why I started REPURPOSER COLLECTIVE. There are so many of us working with repurposed materials, struggling to figure things out and do good for the planet. Let’s do that together!

What are the advantages of being a part of a repurposing artist community?

  • Community gives you confidence.

  • Community gives you a vital connection.

  • Community means you’re not alone.

  • Community is essential for a fulfilling life.

  • Community is the support network you need.

  • Community can help you grow.

  • Community gives you a better sense of purpose.

  • Community is a source of joy!

  • Community gives you a diversity of new ideas.

  • Community empowers you.


We all need our own special community in order to thrive.

The power of this community is to encourage your exploration, inspire your confidence, and fully share the extensive experience together.  


Here’s what you get when you join our community:


Live Resource Vault containing:

Your Go To Supply List - favorite art, sewing and craft supplies from my studio to yours.

Best Podcasts for Artists Like Us - This is a list of my favorites with links to each podcasts website, so that you can choose where you’d like to listen best yourself.

Book Club - These are books which I have physically in my personal library or have listened to. I have tried to link to the publishers website whenever possible, so that you can choose how to read them yourself. I am not linking these books on any book shop website, but suggest that you call your local independent bookstore.

Climate Info At Your Fingertips - These are my go-to websites for factual and actionable information.

App Love - A list of apps I use frequently on my i-Phone and find very helpful.

Never Stop Learning Vault - I firmly believe in continuing education. If you're interested in something, learn more about it. It does not have to mean getting a new college degree, it just means that you want to know more and can do something about it. These are some of the courses I have taken and can recommend.

Printed Matter - Real paper magazines are my guilty pleasure. There is something so satisfying about flipping the pages, reading or just glancing at the articles and ripping out images that speak to me. Those images are great fodder for inspiration and vision boards. Oh and smelling the paper…. You can imagine that scent in your head right now, yes?!

Newsletter Buzz - A few of my favorites that I regularly read all the way through.

Climate Documentaries - Seeing is believing.

Art Documentaries - To inspire you!

Finders Keepers aka Inspiring Artists - These are so many amazing artists out there doing the most incredible things to the most mundane of objects. Their creativity is mind boggling! Look at their work for inspiration and get to creating!


Video Training Vault

containing nine instruction videos of nine of my favorite hand stitches with machine stitches coming soon.


Rendezvous with ART! In-Person Meet ups.

See important exhibitions which will inspire your repurposed and sustainable art practice. It is an opportunity to see art with your peers and have lighthearted and/or deep conversations.


Monthly Zoom Chats

Recorded and recordings available to watch anytime in member area.

Each month our virtual chat begins with a short presentation by me or a member or a guest, followed by an active conversation, whether about the subject we just heard about, the techniques we are currently working with, the recycling/reuse issues that are currently on your mind, questions about anything to do with your art practice are welcome and suggestions from everyone are encouraged.

These monthly chats are about camaraderie and support from me and all the members. 

Each session is approximately 60 minutes. Third Tuesday of every month at 6pmET.


Master Classes

More than twenty five classes on how to use a plethora of un-recyclable and wasteful materials are currently available with a new master class uploaded once a month. Each class is 15 to 20 minutes long. All classes available to watch anytime in the member area.

Members who purchase a yearly membership receive a gift of:

Art Vision Board workshops

  • at a discounted rate for at 20%


Your membership is only $23 every month, or $227 every year.

This is just to tell you how amazed I am with your masterclasses on the community.

Every time I watch one, I want to cry because I want more time to create something.

There is so much information, inspiration, knowledge, and creativity in each of them that my mind can think of anything other than create something! Thank you!

The paper and beverage carton ones are my favorite now!

I wish there were a comment section on the videos.
— Ana S.